You can give Jack Bauer's cell phone a call at 1-888-9-24-JACK (1-888-924-5225) - no kidding. While he didn't answer my question on how he keeps his cell phone charged for 24 hours, he did ask me how I got his number. Duhh, a mole at CTU gave it to me.
Blogs4Bauer Challenge:RFTR would probably want Jack to ask Kim to be his friend on Myspace.
What are some other questions you would like to ask Jack?
Did you really call it?
I called it. It's one of the lamest things I've ever heard.
If FOX is paying for that, then they ought to be paying us, too...
Tyler - It is safe to call. I would never try and have you call a p0rn line or something like that.
RFTR - Lamest marketing tool...ever
Some of my questions would be: Why did you date Audrey? What were you thinking?
Here's one: I know she was a terrorist and everything, but how good was Nina in the sack?
Question: How in the hell did Edgar pass the CTU physical?
The Man: I love that question!!
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