If having Kim Bauer back was not enough to cause Wyatt Earp to call in sick with morning wood,

Robocop plays a father figure for Jack, which explains why Jack's amazing aim and ability to speed across LA to CTU HQ in the time it takes to air a State Farm commercial.
Former Goonie Sean Astin has also has joined the cast as a CTU agent. Spoiler Alert: Mikey gets "Special" Agent Edgar Stiles to perform the Truffle Shuffle for a vanilla frosted donut in the season opener. Jack then helps Edgar and Mikey save their homes by fighting off the Fratellis and discovering pirate booty.
This year could be better than the rest.
Throw in a guest appearance by Airwolf and Mr.T would make this the best season ever.
Maybe Murdock turned crazy terrorist? Perhaps McGuyver could be a new age 'Q' type character. How about Kojack wondering around Washington D.C. looking for a lollypop? Jack could drive K.I.T., seek expert street advice from Hawk and kick the shit out of Hunter cause he sucked ass.
McGyver would never sign on... he doesn't believe in the use of firearms.
Plus, McGuyver is Canadian. CTU will hire moles, people with questionable eating habits, and psychotic broads...but they draw the line at Canadians..eh.
I hate to say it, but both Kiefer Southerland and Elisha Cuthbert are Canadian...
Okay, now we've mentioned Grover Cleveland, Ron Jeremy, and Airwolf? Wow.
I'm waiting for Weller to tell the terrorist, "Put down your weapons, or there will be . . . trouble."
Hector, your logo is very disturbing.
TM - I have not yet called out with "morning wood!" Yet.
I vote for Mcgyver joining the cast, I don't care where he's from.
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