Jack Bauer has a love child.
Finally Jack can play catch, throw the football, and torture suspects with lighter fluid and jumper cables with his son. Unfortunately for Josh Bauer, he can no longer check out "cousin" Kim without feeling just a little guilty.
The fact that I'm even concerned over whether this is Jack's son, whether Jack's going to get with Audrey or his old girl Marilyn, and whether Jack will feel any regret over torturing certain members of his family only cements the idea that 24 is a soap opera for men.
And I'm okay with that.
24 is turning into more like one of those Mexican soap operas, telenovelas. And I am also okay with that.
Can you imagine a mash up of a 24 episode and Sabado Gigante? It would be... awkward. But really funny.
Don Francisco would end up on the Kill Counter for sure.
Hey - I'm sticking with nephew for now. He looks younger than Kim...and she did marry this guy after Jack (unplausable as it is). I'm not jumping to any love child conclusions.
I'm with heather, it could just be a case of the Bauer gene pool producing kids with that really vapid look on their faces, the nurturing by the Bauer Brothers aside.
Sorry, that kid looks too much like that albino kid with the banjo from Deliverance. That was one scary little inbred kid.....
If Jack's dad is a crook, I wanna see Jack go Luke Skywalker on his ass. But none of that, 'Jack, I am your father....' crap. Seeing Jack cry like a little girl is getting to be old. He needs to man up, dammit!
Beat up his brother, the Stewie Griffin clone.
Jack's family grows by the hour, and provided a twisted turn in this man-soap, and I am also OK with that. Isn't the character they flashed as his dad the president from the first season? or am I thinking of a movie?
Does anyone else think that a little O2 deprivation just isn't going to do it for this Dr. Romano guy? Jack's going to have to remove some fingers, kneecaps and cut a main artery or two before he will talk. even then...who knows
Dr. Romano was a bastard on ER and now he's graduated to terrorism!
Mr. Bob,
You're thinking of 'The Sum of All Fears,' where James Cromwell played the President, perhaps. I think he was on The West Wing for an episode or two as a former president, too.
I still stand by my original thought: it's John Daly's kid.
He IS nearly as pretty as Kim...
That's Anakin Skywalker from Episode I all grown up!
I think the boy looks just like Kim, as in he could be her little brother in 'real life' and was pegged to play the part to get people like us talking. Anyone know the actor's name?
The kid's real name is Evan Ellingson
thanks, man. that's one hell of a casting job...
The guy is definitely right, and there's no question.
Quite worthwhile information, thanks so much for the post.
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