Carnival of Bauer

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Friday, May 11, 2007

24 Caption Contest

Caption Milo's last mistake.

Make sure you vote in the final semifinal match of the Miss Blogs4Bauer contest that has Chloe taking on Marilyn Bauer.


Anonymous said...

"You don't need to see my identification. These aren't the droids you're looking for."

Greg said...

"Check, please."

Jack Bauer said...

Radgers....We don't need no srinking radgers.

Anonymous said...

"I am Cincinatus Yassir"!!

Anonymous said...

I'm dead DAMN IT. At least I can go back in time and lick some feet and toes. Yummy.

Buckaroo Banzai said...

Milo's belief that he could pull the weapons to him a la Magneto was his fatal mistake.

BUMBLE!!! said...

Of course I'm in charge. Who else do you think would have authorized casual muscle shirt day at the office?

Anonymous said...

see how i flex when just raising my arm. I am such a studmuffin

Unregistered Coward said...

What we got here is... failure to communicate.

yankz said...

"I'd just like to say, that 'Herro Mista Bowwa' bit is hilarious. It's fake, right?"

Anonymous said...

I ordered the wonton.

Bob Engler said...

Ohhhhhh-k-lahoma ... where the wind comes something something something

Anonymous said...

"I am in charge here". It worked for Al Haig. It sucks to be me.

dlcrouch said...

Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!

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