Carnival of Bauer

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Carnival of Bauer!!! Season Finale

We have come down to the season finale of The Carnival of Bauer!!! I'd like to thank all the hosts this season and everyone who submitted posts.

Steve from Magic Lamp recaps Hour 23 and Hour 24 in his comprehensive way. Good job recapping every damn episode this season Steve. Now it's time to put down the keyboard and reconnect with your wife and kids.

The Free Geek lists the Top 10 things Jack Bauer Can't Live Without. However, I think that Jack Bauer's copy of Journey's Greatest Hits should have made the list.

You can add Rickey Henderson to the list of people who thought Soul Patch would make a comeback this season. Sorry buddy, this season proved that the silent clock doesn't mean a thing. Rickey recaps the season finale and gives the show a final report card.

Rocinante's Burdens is new to the Carnival, as Jack Bauer never said "better late than never". Anyway, they post a 14-point recap of the last 3 hours of 24.

Amy Vernon of Remote Access is the MVP of the Season 6 - Carnival of Bauer!!!, she laments the lackluster season ending of 24. Hmm... I would go with banal, pablum, prosaic, maybe even vapid. "Lackluster" makes it seem like there might have been some life in the show prior to the season finale. See you next season Amy.

Speaking of Amy, she also posts something for you Soul Patch lovers out there. It appears that Tony almost came back.

Go check out Wyatt's website, he really needs the traffic. He also lamented the prosaic ending of the season and offers up The Top Ten Better Ways To End Day 6.

Fausta's blog is another 24 addict who looks back fondly on Day 4 with hopes that Day 7 is more like the old days and less like Day 6.

Jeff Kouba from Truth v. The Machine is also a 24 fan. He does another recap and tallies up the kills from this season.

Personally I was glad that Day 6 is finally over. So is King Tom, who notes the promise of the start of the season and the banal ending. Tom leaves us with a good recap and a nice haiku:
Jack’s at a crossroads
Let the next day be better
Audrey don’t wake up.
Says Simpleton likes to think of Season 6 as a glass half-full. While the rest of us are bitching because Jack didn't smash the glass and force Heller to drink the shards, Simpleton looks at the season as part of the whole 24 series. This post is a must read.

Do you want to know what happened in CTU-Denver? Well then The Jack Sack is the place for you. Check out his recap of the first hour of a series of CTU-Denver posts.

The guy behind A SVC Alumnus' Blog spends most of his days voting for Chloe on the Miss Blogs4Bauer contest. When he's not voting for Chloe, he's making up holidays for Potato Face. Here is how he spent Chloe Appreciation Day. I had surgery, but still managed to eat some French fries.

Well that's it, the Carnival ofBauer!!! will return in 2008. Now, stay tuned for Fox's newest hit "Are You Faster Than a One-legged Gimp".


Anonymous said...

Thanks, B4B, for letting me host multiple times and join your nutsy-cuckoo boys' club. I've had a blast. As the governor of California once said, "I'll be back."

TheJackSack said...

Congrats to everyone for a successful year of Carnival-ing. This was a lot of fun. Let's stay in touch over the summer. Don't go cheating on me with some summer-fling carnival. I'm watching you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the carnival.

I acquired my taste for 24 from you.

I only vote the max amount MisterPoll allows and I have a life (but GO CHLOE GO!!!). I do though now call smart people geeks and really smart women Chloe. It's a guaranteed pick-up line.

Sally Jo said...

Thanks for the weekly fun and frolics. I'll check back often and look forward to next year...even if I have to put up with more Kim pics.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting the carnival, and glad you liked the summaries.

Gonna do the whole thing over again next season. :-)

yankz said...

I know I crapped out with my entries lately, but they were still a blast to read and I can't wait till next year. In other words, I have nothing new to add but wanted to echo the previous posters in an original-sounding way.