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Friday, May 25, 2007

24 Caption Contest

Caption this touching moment from the season finale of 24.
Make sure your vote counts for the Miss Blogs4Bauer Championship between Nadia and Chloe.


Buckaroo Banzai said...

"I'm not going anywhere with a guy wearing a gray mullet!"

Anonymous said...

"You had me at hello"

Anonymous said...

#1. "I'm on your MySpace page!"

#2. "Chloe won't save you!!"

#3. "Jack Bauer isn't coming for you!!!"

Anonymous said...

"Can't you see I'm tryin' to tell ya that I love yuh!"

Anonymous said...

"I swear that pig already HAD scratches on its back before I got it!"

TheJackSack said...

"See you next season, skippy! MUHAHAHAHA!"

Anonymous said...

But grandpa I didn't mean to piss myself.

yankz said...

Josh...I am your father!!!

Unregistered Coward said...

Soylent green is made from people

Bob Engler said...

Do you like gladiator movies, Billy?

BUMBLE!!! said...

After a season like this, there's no way I could tell you who your dad really is.

Then again, seeing as they won't show my body or the explosion destroying me, you will all have to wonder if the Chinese sub got me off this oil rig before the explosions.

Unregistered Coward said...

9-11 was an inside job !!

Anonymous said...

"Uncle Jack is coming. I trust you to kill me."

Anonymous said...

"This is very important... you must listen to what I am about to tell you. The fate of the World depends on it... do I have food stuck in my teeth?"

NDwalters said...

Jimmy, have you ever seen a grown man naked?

KatieMB said...

Josh: "Grandpa, tell me the truth, tell me who my father is."

Grandpa Phil: "You want answers?"

Josh: "I think I'm entitled."

Grandpa Phil: "You want answers?"

Josh: "I want the truth!"

Grandpa Phil "You can't handle the truth!"

Rob said...

"Billy, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"

Justin said...

"Do you like movies about gladiators?"

Anonymous said...

Caught some uncomfortable details in the last 2 seasons:

The sleazy President brought down by CTU in Season 5 had a passel o' pierces in his ears (the holes are as plain as day).

Jack was aware of the terrorist prison camp (the one from which the terrorists demanded the release of prisoners to board the aircraft this season) after being completely isolated from the news, in China for 18 months. Someone goofed.

Anonymous said...

You want to put your what....where?!?!?!

Rob said...

dammit Josh...are you John Daly's bastard son or not?

Greg said...

"MARTY! You can't go to your high school, you'll risk the chances of meeting your parents!"

Anonymous said...

"Once Zion is destroyed there is no need for me to be here, don't you understand? I need the codes. I have to get inside Zion, and you have to tell me how. You're going to tell me, or you're going to die."

Anonymous said...

"Because your feet are as big as mine!"

Anonymous said...

That'll do, pig. That'll do. said...

This can't have effect in actual fact, that's exactly what I suppose.

formula 1 said...

Thanks for your post, quite worthwhile material.