I can live blog better if I didn't have a 2year old to change.
Are you sure they can execute the operation. The only thing they've done before now is deliver takeout.

2:13 Love Child returns.
Lily Rowan (aka Ann Coulter) looking for another quickie?
I'd like to bring Your S.., er, Josh, by to see you before we go.
This is not going to end well for the CTU team.
Egg Drop terrorists.
I got your takeout Mr. Bauer.
No more chinese food references. I haven't had supper.
2:28 RPF works on auto-pilot, even with a broken heart.
Lily Rowan: I'm screwing the VP and the Breck Girl. I was willing to commit purjury. I almost caused durkdurkastan to get nuked. But now I'm scared.
One Track Pony.
(Oh, wait. That wasn't for all of you.)
2:39 Milo strikes out with Chloe, strikes out with Aywana. Wanna go for Patsy Ramsey next?
I think we found the Chinese.
Strike three, Milo
2:50 Was that three more?
We want the golden child!
Aywana Fugya - Come on down! You're the next contestant on the Kill Counter Climbs.
Let's see those Bauer genes kick in.
No. Not those Bauer genes. Philip, what are you up to now?
Thanks for hanging out while I provided this highly-distracted rookie liveblogging. At least the kill counter headed in the right direction. I'm betting it goes even higher next week.
First. Shutting down my thread.
Aywana breaking the bad news to Jack that SecDef is filing a restraining order against Jack.
steveegg, allow me to rub it in yeah him's face and say, "That's so hot."
And now, since I'm not even watching this episode right now, I bid you all farewell.
Aywana getting kinky. I'll bet she is glad that close-up shot wasn't taken last week; the Kiwis would've knocked her out.
What are you watching that is more important than "24", yankz?
Tonight's episode, "Spy vs. Spy", is brought to you by Mad Magazine.
Delivering "takeout" is precisely the qualifications they need. Of course, I'm not talking about getting my order of moo goo gai pan right.
Yawn.... the Chinese are preparing for their fireworks display and the Appleseed gang is busy keeping Jack under wraps.
This is not going to end well for Patsy Ramsey and Jack Jr.
Jack Jr is into self loathing these days, and Jack's sister in law is still pining for him, even as she learns Audrey is alive.
Someone mentioned that RPF was missing? She's delivering the news to Patsy that Jack is a free man.
On to Ann Coulter trying to trap Boytoy.
Patsy Ramsey doesn't waste any time. Not only is she making the play for Jack, but she's going to break the truth to Jack Jr.
Ricky Stratton is too late.
How convenient; the ChiComs set up shop right next to their target (trying like hell to not spoil everything).
CTU goes down in 5, 4, 3....
Haven't we done this whole bombing CTU thing 2x before?
But I ordered the moo goo gai pan, not the shrimp fried rice with a side of C4.
1 bombing, 1 gassing, and the red shirts are mostly conveniently out of position.
Taking bets now on who dies.
This time, they're going to take out CTU with C4 and high explosives and not the green goo.
Who dies? I'm putting odds on Aywana. RTF will grab a gun and get her groove back... Morris might end up having another drilling.
I'm also taking bets on who the CTU mole is.
I've got Kemper in both roles.
Chloe & Morris, enough!
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
fill a thriller with fluff
Okay, so who ordered the General Tso's Chicken with a side order of C4?
Lawhawk - What a way to celebrate a win in the Miss B4B contest.
2:30 and all is not well in the O'Brian v O'Brian catfight.
Coulter getting cold feet.
No more chinese food references. I haven't had supper.
So order some delivery, B&E. They should get it to you by the time Jack drops the last bad guy.
will they catch her?
she's cold...
What a time for the pic to go pixelated. Boytoy suspecting Ann isn't going to get all jiggy with him.
will she be 'ready' for him?
Please substitute "Breck Girl" for "Boytoy".
In other news, the hottest team in baseball is up on the coldest 3-0. Go Brew Crew!
steveegg - I can't order in. I don't live in the civilized world. I'm in the boonies.
Al Bundy is "the package". He won't wuss out this time. Torture? Bah! He's got something to prove to RPF!
Unfortunately, CTU isn't out in the boonies. ChiComs delivering in 2 or less minutes and Aywana hitting on Kemper.
Boom shakalaka.
Al Bundy blaming a hiccup.
let Jack out...
One Red Shirt, 2 Red Shirts, how many more?
3 Red Shirts!
Go to your safe rooms? Where are the guys with guns to stop 'em?
That was way too easy...
He's got his weapon... and start counting kills...
And why hasn't Jack gotten one of the automatics? Ah, much better....
And now I've got a real gun!
Buh-bye, Kemper. I win the who-dies pool.
And Milo just got one between the eyes... nice.
RIP Milo.
Oh My!
absurd thought -
God of the Universe loves
boring days...
Jack's gonna have some serious vengeance on that 1 - 3 dead already.
At least it keeps us from watching that nasty ho in a bra.
Head shot
Yeah !!
and the moral is: guns don't kill milo, chinese commandos kill milo
Josh will save the day...
Jack Jr is the key to all this? Oh boy....
No stray shot taking out Patsy.
8 minutes left to get 2 more, Jack.
Josh gone, Jack wasted the last of his ammo.
Save the lovechild, save the world
they want Josh to be the hero, to boost the youth, and get even more of the young demo for next season...
Token getting called out for the Kemper treatment.
Poor Milo
Oh my god....this is getting too stupid for words....
Hey Leslie, I was about to post that!!!
wow, he's a real Chinese Jack...
Next hour, Ricky Stratton comes to save the day on his choo-choo.
That was a bit more than a standing 8-count.
Jack Jr is having Chinese tonight.
Tear the building apart... go crazy... we know you want to do it anyway...
Hey and wasn't that Chinese dude using an extended ammo clip?
Chang - we have the package... white rice to go.
Grandpa Bauer back in action !
Zephram Cochrane is back, and working for the ChiComs.
that basturd...
Heh.... Zephram was behind this all along... figures.
Finally full circle and a guarantte of 3 more good episodes.
Bookends and a few scenes that make it worthwhile in between.
I still think Nadia needed to die, but next week the kill count will increase dramatically.
OH hell yeah!!!
Wow i was wrong....I thought it couldn't get stupider...
Amazing....in less than 6 hours the Chinese had a whole commando team, in the country, and were able to break into CTU with no prior planning...
Sorry..tough to suspend disbelief that much...
Meanwhile, Jack could only get like 6 of them?
Oh my, she gets caught, but the cheerleader is still alive...
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
start wrapping up the day
Since the man is MIA, let's do a very unofficial Kill Counter review:
3 shot with an appropriated Red Shirt handgun...
plus 2 shot with an appropriated ChiCom submachine gun...
subtotals to 5...
plus a 10-point 5-in-1 bonus...
equals 15.
Don't recall hearing any dammits or cool phrases.
3 shot with an appropriated Red Shirt handgun...
plus 2 shot with an appropriated ChiCom submachine gun...
subtotals to 5...
plus a 10-point 5-in-1 bonus...
equals 15.
Don't recall hearing any dammits or cool phrases.
NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I was so damn close!! Come on!! Jack says "give me a gun" and the security guard gets shot, that's gotta be close enough!!!
Damn! Cool phrases....
Does that mean that Logan is set to reappear since nobody saw him after death or is there still hope for Tony's goofy ass?
Or is it Jack's ugly ass brother?
So many choices.
But one thing is for sure, Nadia gets even uglier and butch every week.
I was studying, I'll watch 24 very soon, promise. No, I was not watching Heroes, even though Claire is hotter than Aywana.
Don't you mean uglier every hour?
You know what would be way cool? Ricky Stratton is the father of the love child, not Jack... they look exactly alike, come on!!! You know it's true!
So the Chinese are attacking CTU, AND they steal the Russian nuke codes?
Can we end this season by Russia and the US nuking Bejing?
I have the feeling that they're going to end this season like my senior high school movie (when I ran out of time and ability to film the last few scenes) and it will all be A BAD DREAM.
Then Cougarbait will get out of bed in her lingerie (since it will be her bad dream) and go into the shower and even though it's steamy in there, all of the 24 fans will have at least had 1 truly great moment in all of this time since the death of Fayed (because other than that, it was only vampire Jack in the first few hours that really did much of anything all season).
I consider everyone must read this.
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