You can throw out your brackets because this is going to be a cat fight.
Below you will find the final four ladies in the contest, you will also find a poll. You can vote for your 2 favorite ladies, the top 2 will go on to the Miss Blogs4Bauer Championship.
Championship potential match-ups
Chloe/Nadia - CTU Office Hottie
Nina/Nadia - Battle of who smiles less
Chloe/Nina - Scowl-a-palooza 2007
Kim/Nadia - Hommina Hommina
Nina/Kim - Payback is a bitch (or two)
Chloe/Kim - Brains against beauty

I feel like I'm rooting for Golden State to make it to the NBA Finals by picking Nadia, when the Pistons (Chloe because they are not attractive, but powerful) and the Suns (Kim, attractive and dominant) are heading for a showdown. Nadia is the scrappy newcomer who doesn't really have a shot, but man, you'd just love to see her get a chance.
Here is how Vegas is handicapping the Miss B4B Contest:
Chloe/Nadia (100-1)
Nina/Nadia (50-1)
Chloe/Nina (30-1)
Kim/Nadia (5-1)
Nina/Kim (24-1)
Chloe/Kim (10-1)
Remember: Chloe O'Brian Appreciation Day (COBAD) is May 21!!
Hopefully, Blogs4Bauer will make this official. Please :-).
And, of course, the Chloe is ahead leaps and bound in this poll. The people want Chloe!!!
No, ubernerd, YOU want Chloe.
I've met blind-deaf-mute people who are shocked that Kim is behind Chloe. True story.
Give me 10 large on Kim/Nadia, and 2 fin on Kim/Nina.
Look again, yankz. The only one left behind Chloe the Cheater is Nina the Original Mole.
Let's fix that oversight - vote Nina!
Viva Nina!!!
Because you are a Yankee fan and therefore a pompous fellow, I will spell this out for you: I am only one man, one Jack-Bauer-wanna-be and there are many, many votes for Chloe. Of course, you have no credibility because blind-deaf-mute people can't enjoy television.
So vote Chloe!! Becuz she may die and Yankz will toast her assassin.
And I did give my word, didn't I about a Chloe Appreciation Day? I knew you'd go off, yankz and that's what I like about you :-). GO MARINERS!!!
For some reason, I can't check the results. Can you?
yo, svc alumnus, give it a break already. you're queer for chloe ... check ... got it.
Nina. Hands down. Her trick that got Jack to crash the whole CTU system was freaking brilliant. What's Chloe got going for her? She's even worse than boring; she's clingy.
Open a socket, ya maroon. You can't check the results because ...
svc: You know, I'm a huge Chloe fan. Easily one of the best characters ever on the show. But she has no business being a finalist in the Miss B4B pageant. And if Tony, Michelle, and Palmer don't get days, I can't get behind a Chloe Day either. Sorry :(
bob: "maroon" is the most underrated insult. I love to use it myself.
Besides, I'm still pissed that Michelle was upset in round 1. That woman was gorgeous and could kick my ass. So I'm taking out my bitterness on her unworthy defeater.
I want 10 bucks on Chloe/Nadia. As Kevin from The Office would say, you have to bet when someone gives you odds like that.
Tell you what - you make appreciation days for your characters and I'll help promote :-).
Even Misterpoll.com itself doesn't work.
Since some of you got caught by the latest anti-cheat devices put in by MisterPoll (see you tomorrow afternoon), I'll be nice and put up the results through 312 (which will cheer up RFTR to no end):
Kim 32%
Nadia 27%
Chloe 23%
Nina 16%
Oh well, in my state dead convicted felons can vote. More than once. On provisonal ballots.
Come on people, let's get out the Nina vote!!
Just look at those pictures. Nina has gas, and Chloe is a tranny. How could you not vote for the deadly Kim/Nadia combo??
Oh, now we're calling good people transvestites.
Maybe you should stop paying pompous egomaniacs' salaries.
Current score:
Kim (29%)
Chloe (25%)
Nadia (25%)
Nina (19%)
447 total votes
I guess Kim Bauer is a New York Yankee.
Besides, I'm still pissed that Michelle was upset in round 1.
Yankz ...
Michelle wasnt upset in Round 1 ... She was ROBBED! She was my early favorite -- the complete package of brains & beauty, vulnerability & assertiveness ... oi, it's getting a little steamy down there!
Sure, Chloe is a good character, but what's her defining moment (aside from the stun gun in the bar, which was pretty funny)? How about Bill Buchanan telling her: "We don't have time for your personality defects right now."
Wait, what? I can't believe you just took a Chloe insult personally. Have you not seen that picture?!
And what the hell does baseball have to do with this?
If you think there aren't "pompous egomaniacs" on every baseball team, you're an idiot. Actually, name 5 on the Yankees. I'll get you started by admitting Clemens is one. So what?
Maybe you should stop paying the dumbest GM in baseball.
bob: Totally agree. Although, wasn't it Tony that totally dissed her?
yanks here you go and I say stuff about your Yankees because you bash Chloe and I know how you feel about them;
*Roger Clements
*Alex Rodriguez
*Derek Jeter
*Joe Torre
*Andy Pettitte
*Jason Giambi
And yeah, you're right. My GM is not Bill Buchanan.
Now as to Chloe. Chloe's great because Chloe gives Jack Bauer the ability to wage information warfare. Case-in-point from this season: The schematics for the Russian circuit board. Another was when she hacked into the apartment building where Morris was held and gave Jack the room to duke it out. Another was when she helped out with the raid into the Russian embassy by shutting down the power.
Of course there's shooting up a terrorist for sport in Season 4 (its on YouTube)...
I truly think the people want Chloe or Chloe would be out by now if this comment thread would be believed... see we believe in angels. Besides, COBAD as featured on Carnival of Bauer today will be a great day for the smart people everywhere... even non-Chloe 24 fans!!
Yeah, A-rod and Jeter are such assholes, giving thousands more to charities than average major leaguers. How dare Derek Jeter start his own foundation to help inner-city kids in Detroit and NYC! Jackass! And the pompous things he says about being a team player and not caring about individual awards. They should trade him for Jeff Weaver.
Giambi is an asshole, granted. But he's funny and a good teammate. What exactly do you have against Torre and Pettitte?
PS I say stuff about Chloe...on a 24 blog. You can bash the Yankees on my site which often discusses...baseball. Well, not really often, since I haven't gotten a chance to get a good post up in a while.
yankz, I surrender to the greatness of your Yankees.
Does that mean you're switching your vote to Kim/Nadia ;)
Next vote is for Chloe and, and, and... Nadia!
I'm warning you people. Vote Nina or she will kill your family. Nina won't let something like death stop her, if she's even dead.
Yeah, but just imagine what Jack Bauer will do when he finds out you voted for the bitch who killed his wife over his daughter. Actually, I'm probably going to die within 24 hours for looking at pictures of Jack's daughter in tight clothing. The conundrum!!!
No, we dig the rosebush named Chloe.
Although, wasn't it Tony that totally dissed her?
Yankz ...
I'm pretty sure it was BB who made the reference to her personality disorder, but I've been wrong before.
SVC Alum ... yeah, Chloe does things that let other people do better things. That makes her a supporting character whose only endearing quality is her pissy attitude (which disappeared this season and was replaced with dependency). That she appeals to people who went to welding college says something as well.
The Evil Nina, on the other hand, was a force all her own; she made people react to her, she caused the action ... hell, she killed Teri Bauer, and for that good act alone should be named Miss B4B by acclamation.
You take annoying; I'm down with Evil.
You're down with evil. I'm up with guardian angel.
Jack Bauer would have died if it weren't for Chloe.
Jack Bauer would have died because of Nina.
Jack Bauer was arrested on Nadia's orders.
Jack Bauer, well, apparently the street smart genes didn't pass on to Kim.
Vote for Chloe. Please.
And Skagit Valley College is so much more than just... um... welding. It's also got a great arts program + a great pre-University program + an okay science program.
Remember Monday is Chloe Appreciation Day!!
I guess Nina is just about out and Nadia is about to win some bronze...
Kim (27%)
Chloe (27%)
Nadia (25%)
Nina (21%)
907 total votes
Chloe (28%)
Kim (26%)
Nadia (25%)
Nina (19%)
941 total votes
I am simply voting by the rules. Why do I believe the Mary Lynn Rajskub fan club has something to do with this?
I am so happy.
What exactly are the rules?
Is SVC sitting there hitting refresh like I think? Or are there some serious closet nerds out there? Speak up, people, because the comments on the past two Chloe matchups make me think it's the former.
yankz, the rules are you can vote as often as MisterPoll allows which is four times.
But hey (making face) I would get carpal tunnel voting 295 times - give or take ten. Do the math.
I am honestly amazed at how Chloe is ahead by this much. I thought the anybody-but-Chloe vote would be stronger. I've watched politics long enough... now the real test will be can the pro-Chloe voices speak up and make their case as well as divide the hard anti-Chloe people.
Also, I am not voting or posting comments anymore tonight (helps when Photoshop is paging for Monday) and here are the scores:
Chloe (29%)
Kim (26%)
Nadia (25%)
Nina (18%)
1017 total votes
The scores:
Chloe (29%)
Kim (26%)
Nadia (25%)
Nina (18%)
1325 total votes
Chloe is almost definitely going to play for the crown & tiara (or as I prefer - the gold medal). Personally I'm rooting for Nadia to beat out Kim for the other gold medal round slot...
yankz, they are just upset that Nadia is hotter than Chloe and Nina... and that the Yankees have won more titles than any other team.
True dat, friend.
As it stands right now, there would be a runoff between Kim and Nadia.
If Kim doesn't make the finals of the Miss B4B pageant, the terrorists have won.
"The terrorists have won"?!?!?
Chloe (28%)
Nadia (26%)
Kim (26%)
Nina (18%)
1396 total votes
Go Nadia!!!
You take comments about Chloe way, wayyyy too seriously.
Does your girlfriend look like her or something?
yankz: I just don't find funny comparing Chloe to terrorists.
a) I think we're going to need a Kim-Nadia runoff.
b) Vote for Chloe because she's smart n sweet as well as sexy. Remember, today is Chloe Appreciation Day! A vote for Chloe is a vote for brains!!
a vote for chloe is a vote for a knocked-up Asperger's case with borderline anti-social personality disorder with strong leaning to OCD.
i guess somewhere that adds up to brains.
she sure was helpful last night.
I have Aspergers' too. Aspergers people have brains - I have 135 IQ (supposedly).
We just don't pick up on social stuff that well. That part of our brain is a slow learner compared to the computers part.
Now you know why I am so pro-Chloe...
i would guess "supposedly" is the operative word.
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