Today's NY Post has a 4-star review of the upcoming season opener for 24. But, they reveal that a major character will end up at room temperature before the first 10 minutes are up.
Well, as you can imagine, horrible things happen within the first few minutes, and shocking things happen within the first 10.Who do you think will be killed off?
In fact, you will be disgruntled yourself when you find out who gets wiped out.
The winner gets bragging rights.
Unfortunately, I think Chloe will go TU. I'd hate to see her leave the show, since she's such a cute geek, but since everyone within Jack's proximity has their life insurance rates go up, Chloe is at major risk by being the first to help Jack.
I hope it's Curtis, because he's kind of annoying.
I think Former President Palmer had better up his life insurance before this season premier. He has my vote.
Death of a Insurance Salesman
I picked President Logan because thats who I'm hoping goes. Can't stand him. Maybe Palmer can replace him :-).
Okay, I just read the article and I don't like the fact that he's saying one of our favorite characters will get killed. Ugh..... Why do they do that? Ofcourse I guess it depends on what they mean by favorite character.
It's gotta be Logan. He'll get waxed. That's the whole reason for his existence, to die.
Well, I was going to vote for Sarah Gilbert, but fortunately they already killed her off.
So I voted for Chloe (sorry greg)
I'd be pretty happy to see either her or Edgar get nailed.
I have to go with Logan. I doubt they would kill Palmer or Tony. I like Curtis. It's nice to see a brotha kicking butt.
Good lord, I've just got done watching a marathon of 24 Season 4 that I just rented from Blockbuster... (I didn't see any of the first 3 season episodes, not much of a TV show watcher)
Now I'm freaking hooked!
Oh, and my vote went to Curtis... not sure why, just a hunch. I'll be sweating profusely for the next 5 days 3 hours 19 minutes and 30 seconds...
Is it wrong that we've polled and the top to choices are the black guys?
Jwookie: You must watch Seinfeld as well as 24 :-).
Have you seen the article that Entertainment Weekly did on 24?
jwookie: Someone needs to call Jackie Chiles ASAP.
Didn't Rush also say that Curtis will not be killed off, because "the Fox Network has been very desirous that a black CTU agent do well."
V The K - Now, THAT'S funny! I think it's Palmer, since Mr. Allstate is slated for a new gig on some lame CBS show soon.
I was hoping for the offing of Tony Almeida's wife. Now there is someone who deserves to be on the list.
I think it's probably Palmer, hope it's Logan and fear that it might be Kim.
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