Last week, Jack's dad messed up his point total which pissed him off. Plus, the previews shows Jack with a shotgun. If Jack accidently sets off a nuclear blast, he gets credits. Keep that in mind.
Take a look at the Guidelines and Point System and post your point total in the comments section for Hours 6-7. The winner will be posted next Monday.
Week 1 (Hours 1-4): 4 Points
Winner: Rhymes With Right (4 points)
Week 2 (Hour 5): 0 Points
Winner: Justin (0 points)
Yeah, him. (0 points)
Week 3 (Hour 6): 0 Points
Winner: None
Week 4 (Hour 7): 2 Points
Winner: None
Season 6 Kills so far:
1. Bite to the neck (4 points)
2. Explosive kick (1 point)
3. Killing Curtis (-1 point)
4. Shooting while handcuffed (1 point, +1 Dammit bonus)
i thought last week would be a ten pointer and was pished off - so this week im downgrading to 3 points - on the basis that if im right, great, if im wrong hopefully it will mean he's offed serious amounts of bodies ....
The previews lead me to believe that actual gunfights were going to happen tonight so I'm going for 8 for the 2 hours.
Double-digits for a double night -
Lucky 13
11 Points tonight
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