Because last week was a filler episode, this week promises to KICK ASS!
Lets get this rolling?
I say last week was a filler. I mean, tring to kill the president is so... the season before last.
5:00 - "I know what my roll is." Yeah, a patsy.
5:04 - "Our only live lead." Well, the way today has been going the former president won't last more than a couple hours.
5:08 - Warden Norton is looking for Dufresne....
5:09 - Mr.
5:12 - I really didn't expect Tom to do that.

alright moment over.
5:16 - No one trusts Logan. That is why Bauer is on the case.
5:18 - I bet $2 that the cigar cutter thing is used on someones finger in 5 minutes.
5:20 - 3 minutes.... Awww my wish didn't come true.
5:23 - O_o Is Jack going back in? GO GO CIGAR CUTTER TRIMMING TOOL THING!
5:30 - Something happen already! My sugar high isn't going to last forever.
5:31 - Well the VP is behind it all.
5:34 - Tom doesn't look like the Architect at all.

It isn't even close.
5:38 - Come on Jack. Use the tools provided.
Why didn't someone tell me my times were off?
HA! I win again!! ONE!
READY FOR TWO?!?! Don't kill him. Go for two.
I'm going to see 300. Who's with me?
alright that didn't make since.
Bob says:
Well what was the number?
I almost forgot.
Look it's Agent David Brekingridge
I'm back. I've got Girl Scout Cookies. I'm ready. Let's do this!
B&E - Do you have thin mints?
Who is that old guy?
That's right Tyler... he was the warden from SHawshank....
What? We can't kill Numb3rs because we're not murderers? But assassinating the president, that's quite okay.
I guess he's got a certain moral flexibility that makes pretzel logic seem downright ordinary.
Thin mints... pfff Those peanut butter ones are the shit!
Thin Mints, Tagalongs, and Do-si-dos, but who are you calling an old man youngster?
I am eating a box of Little wife ate all the Samoas.
Numb3rs double crosses the double crossers... book 'em danno!
Fleinhart has some cajones.
o no lennox di'int!!
Chad Lowe won't last long in prison.
Kick ass!! We need a great episode to bring the last 12 home!!
cheeseandbacon - I couldn't have said it (or spelled it) better!
Yeah Him - Well the last time Jack Bauer went into an embassy, a Chinese dude took a bullet.
Tyler D - was that actually an homage to Mitch Hedberg with the Dufresne's? I like it!
Lt. Col. Andrew Tanner hates Russians...
Come on you Teri BAuer fans...
Go vote for Teri.
Collette Stenger (57%)
Teri Bauer (43%)
Logan - Blunt = save the day
An Ashton VSG?
Is the Rooskie having a stroke?
Enough nice talk...send in Jack
Russian consulate + HD = ugly
We don't know where Miss Gradenko is. But I'll make some phone calls.
How convenient...
You know - if they can go kill one President in 24 hours, an ex-President is no trouble at all.
So, now that you've gotten nukes into the country, why bother with the cruise missile? Who's guiding this frickin' conspiracy? Rube Goldberg?
o no jack di'int! well, he hasn't yet, but after commercials, he di'int!
Yeah, but today we're just going to see a Russian dude suffocating in a plastic bag after getting his fingertips severed!!!!!
Hell yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah Him - If Jack throws in a dammit while choking the Ruskie and then kills him...that's like 6 points.
The Man said...
Lt. Col. Andrew Tanner hates Russians...5/3/07 21:18
Jack Bauer hates embassies.
lawhawk - Here is what Gredenko is planning..
Click here
VP Secretary = next year's MissBlogs4Bauer
So does the Veep's hard-hitting blonde make the Miss B4B pageant? She's every bit as hot as Collette Whoever and probably will appear in more episodes.
Vote Teri. Early. And often.
Powers Boothe face looks like the moon in HD.
Fleinhart is going to be prosecuted by Patrick Fitzgerald.
I got a situation? how about, I caused a situation. Again.
o no Jack di'int....again.
This may be the first time that I actually worry about Jack making it through a season.
Where the hell is Ricky Schroeder when we need a hero?
I wonder if Bill ever gets sick of Jack and his "situations"?
Jack learned some russian while in china?
So now Jack has made it personal with the two biggest terrorist states in the world. Now all he needs to do is broadcast pornographic images of Mohammed...
Did Caged Weasel just say "ferret out." I knew the writers read this blog.
He's no Architect. Besides, Jack doesn't look like The One.
End of this season: Jack spends 18 months in a Russian Gulag.
End of next season: Jack spends 18 months in a Iranian prison.
End of season after that: Jack spends 18 months in the custody of CAIR.
Finally: Jack spends 18 months as Hillary's pool boy, following which he commits suicide.
bystander...the day is still young. I hear that Season 7 opens with Jack chowing down on a hamburger on the steps the the Taj Mahal.
JAck better not mess with Scientology!
5:40 - Why didn't someone tell me my times were off?
The Kim pic distracted me.
Lt. Col. Andrew Tanner : " I don't know how long I can hold off the Russians"
That tears it.
This isn't the Vice President. He's Arvin Clone - a Milo Rambaldi wannabe.
Besides, look at the background and don't tell me that it doesn't refer to the Rambaldi eye:
How's that for a proper diplomatic channel, Ivan.
Here comes the cigar guillotine!
Cue cigar cutter music!
You read my file!
...this little russian piggie went to the market...
Munching scones?
hunching bones?
Jack lost the bubble
R u smrtr thn a 5st grder?
Fookin' A!
This is the most high octane the season has gotten in a long time (since the death of Kumar).
It's time to go back and forth with the ruskies and take out the whole goll dang embassey!!
Season 7: Jack traces the Logan/Bauer Sr./Gredenko conspiracy all the way to Lhasa, Tibet and tortures the information out of the Dalai Lama by force feeding him freshly killed llama meat.
Useless Fox5NY 24 story
"Talk to Jack Bauer...we reveal the clues on the show"
---or if you follow Blogs4Bauer, we gave you the a few weeks ago.
Silly me, llamas live in the Andes. I meant to say force feeding the Dalai Lama freshly killed yak meat.
Well, boys, I reckon this is it - nuclear combat toe to toe with the Roosskies. Now look, boys, I ain't much of a hand at makin' speeches, but I got a pretty fair idea that something doggone important is goin' on back there. And I got a fair idea the kinda personal emotions that some of you fellas may be thinkin'. Heck, I reckon you wouldn't even be human bein's if you didn't have some pretty strong personal feelin's about nuclear combat. I want you to remember one thing, the folks back home is a-countin' on you and by golly, we ain't about to let 'em down. I tell you something else, if this thing turns out to be half as important as I figure it just might be, I'd say that you're all in line for some important promotions and personal citations when this thing's over with. That goes for ever' last one of you regardless of your race, color or your creed. Now let's get this thing on the hump - we got some flyin' to do.
the veep's secretary was an alien on Invasion.
Bite em jack!
Is taht Donald Trump?
awwww, commies do have a heart
We can call the russian guard:
oops... Bluetoothski is dead.
Everyone in the 24 universe has the same phone number. Some would find that odd.
(Yes I know about the number)
....I don't speak spanish.
the second officer from hunt for red october ... anatoly?
It's gonna be a great final 12!
Need a nickname for the puffy Russian guard.
Ricky Shroder leads an assault on the Russian Embassy after MArtha Logan throws cashews in Charles Logan's face!!!
Best episode ever!
Never mind
the one with his brains all over the wall?
Oops.. Did I hear it wrong?
Finally - Ricky Schroeder will be there for the final 12 - he's no Kiefer, but if he can save Kiefer... well then... let the gunplay begin.
Death count for Jack next week - no less than 10 kills.
V the K - puffy russian guard is (or was) "Bluetoothski"...
Martha and Red Foreman. alright!
Dude...Fox5NY just reported that the NYPD just arrested a thug for trying to find a hitman to behead the police commissioner for $10,000 and to blow up police HQ for $50,000.
Storm the consulate!
You GO Bill!
Did anyone else get cut off in the middle of scenes for next week, or was that a DC thing?
Did anyone else get cut off in the middle of scenes for next week, or was that a DC thing?
NY got 3/4ths of the way into the previews before a Chevy commercial cut in. But Martha is back next week.
Bill Buchanan - best sherriff ever at CTU!!
Anyone else annoyed that the focus has shifted from the arabs to the rooskies?
Pennsylvania got all the way through. Next week will be the best episode since Jack shot Robocop's wife in the leg.
Tyler D. The number is 310.597.3781 it is the 24 Fan Phone.
That would be CAIR's doing, but that's not just 24, that's a shift to Putin's tactics and actions in general.
Screw those bastards for shifting gas prices back the other way after we were sticking it to Iran so well with the lower prices.
the voice message on that phone number was in spanish - is that a reminder that i should be doing my telecourse?
A quick pimping of Forums4Bauer and I'm off to fix some supper. (I already had desert).
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