President Palmer is obviously a zombie, eating brains and running the country. What does every zombie president really need? Besides a fresh supply of brains?
A good slogan. Something you can put on a bumper sticker that says to the world, my president eats brains and you know what, I still support him or her.
Got any slogans that might work for a brain-eating politician?
"Tippecanoe and BRAINS too"
"No brain left behind"
"A fresh brain is a terrible thing to waste"
Wake me up when it's over.
chirp ... chirp ... chirp
"Send more writers."
(in Return of the Living Dead, the zombies kept getting on the radio and asking for things like "Send more paramedics" - this would solve the issue of how Wayne went from crashing to coherent enough to stop Daniels faster than the car of tomorrow was running laps at Bristol).
I have never seen someone "code" and be fully awake and on the phone 5 minutes later. DOH!!!
It's the lobotomy, stupid!
"The only thing we have to fear is...beheadding itself."
"People have the right to know whether their President is a zombie...well, I am not a zombie."
"I clearly ate my wife's brain if my sister has to make decisions regarding whether I live or die."
"I cannot tell a lie...I like brains."
"I feel your BRAINS!!!"
It's so... wrong. So very, very wrong.
The brain stops here.
I did have sex with that woman. Wait, sex is when you eat brains, right?
I knew Zombie JFK and you sir are no Zombie JFK!
Speak softly, and carry a big brain!
2 Cars in every garage and 2 brains in every pot
Nice guy at the photo))
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