I'm Ryan Seacrest, host of American Idol. I'll be filling in for William Shatner while he's on vacation with last week's winner, Mandy.
Enough with the small talk, lets get down to this week's match up on the road to find the winner of the 1st Annual Miss Blogs4Bauer Contest. Please do not vote until both contestants have been profiled. We will have the match up after this commercial break.
(Commercial Break)
Welcome back, I am Ryan Seacrest and here is this week's match up. This week we have Collette Stenger and Teri Bauer, it's going to be a tough decision for our viewers. On one hand you have Collette who was only in three episodes, but man she is hot! Then you have Teri who's status as Kim's mother makes her a MILF, but was married to Jack Bauer that makes her a DFWJBW. Will we have a Teri-Nina match up in this competition. Will it happen? We'll have the profiles and your chance to vote....after the break.
(Commercial Break)
Here are the profiles, make your selection using the poll below. The voting ends Sunday (3/10) and the next match up of Nadia Yassir and Dina Araz will be posted on Monday (3/12).
Click Here for the updated bracket
Name: Collette Stenger
Status: Hot
Occupation: Information broker/mid-season plot filler
Strengths: Conniving, her lies got Audrey tortured
Weaknesses: Theo Stoller's prematurely exploding memory disk
Here are the profiles, make your selection using the poll below. The voting ends Sunday (3/10) and the next match up of Nadia Yassir and Dina Araz will be posted on Monday (3/12).
Click Here for the updated bracket

Status: Hot
Occupation: Information broker/mid-season plot filler
Strengths: Conniving, her lies got Audrey tortured
Weaknesses: Theo Stoller's prematurely exploding memory disk
Curious Detail: Only appeared in 3 episodes, last seen in Edgar's basement
Status: Dead
Occupation: Jack Bauer's dead wife
Strengths: Jack Bauer was almost always there to protect her.
Weaknesses: Kim Bauer
Curious Detail: Teri was the first person on 24 to get a silent clock.
Weaknesses: Kim Bauer
Curious Detail: Teri was the first person on 24 to get a silent clock.
Results from last week's match up when we come back.
(Commercial Break)
Last Week's Round 1 Results
Mandy looks strong after taking out Sherry by a landslide. With a core of voters in the pivotal 13-18 year old male demo and the lesbians. I haven't seen a beating like that since Jack's brother was still alive.
Mandy (81% - 253 votes)
Sherry Palmer (19% - 59 votes)
312 votes
Sherry Palmer (19% - 59 votes)
312 votes
Seacrest Out.
Teri's only redeeming quality is that she proves Jack Bauer is like Hercules or something. Only his genes could combine with someone as fug as Teri's to produce the (physical) perfection that is Kim.
Yes, thank you! Collette is uber-hot. I wish they'd bring her back. There really should be no question between her and Teri. I mean, seriously.
Collette Stenger? WTF? She'd have to be in five more episodes just to be a minor character. Hot schmot. Miss B4B is more than a pretty smile, a great set of gams, and big ol' hooters. Now, Teri Bauer is no day at the beach, I'll grant you that, but she deserves a crack at Nina Meyers in the Quarterfinals.
Vote Teri
I'm Teri Bauer and I approved of this message.
Now, the question is, will Jack kill me if I vote for Teri or will he kill me if I don't vote for Teri?
DAMN IT! I need to know, and I'm running out of time!
i don't have time to explain!
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