I'm Ryan Seacrest, host of American Idol. William Shatner is still on vacation with Mandy.
It's Monday, but I'm not here to provide you with a new match up to get closer to finding the winner of the 1st Annual Miss Blogs4Bauer Contest. Well then you must be wondering why am I here and what am I talking about? We will have the answers to those questions after the break.
(Commercial Break)
Welcome back, I'm Ryan Seacrest and we have a tie. Last week's match up of Teri-Collette ended up 50%/50%! Once again, America voted and we don't have a winner. Therefore, we are having a runoff with the winner to be revealed sometime during the airing of 24 tonight.

(Commercial Break)
The the next match up of Nadia Yassir and Dina Araz will be posted on Tuesday (3/13).
Name: Collette Stenger
Status: Hot
Occupation: Information broker/mid-season plot filler
Strengths: Conniving, her lies got Audrey tortured
Weaknesses: Theo Stoller's prematurely exploding memory disk
The the next match up of Nadia Yassir and Dina Araz will be posted on Tuesday (3/13).

Status: Hot
Occupation: Information broker/mid-season plot filler
Strengths: Conniving, her lies got Audrey tortured
Weaknesses: Theo Stoller's prematurely exploding memory disk
Curious Detail: Only appeared in 3 episodes, last seen in Edgar's basement
Status: Dead
Occupation: Jack Bauer's dead wife
Strengths: Jack Bauer was almost always there to protect her.
Weaknesses: Kim Bauer
Curious Detail: Teri was the first person on 24 to get a silent clock.
Weaknesses: Kim Bauer
Curious Detail: Teri was the first person on 24 to get a silent clock.
Update: Teri Bauer Wins!
Teri Bauer (51%)
Collette Stenger (49%)
Teri Bauer (51%)
Collette Stenger (49%)
Seacrest Out.
Dammit! The poll will not take my vote for Teri! I dont have time to explain ... or screw around with a balky misterpoll.com!
WTF, just a couple of days ago I was clearly in the lead. When did all these TB fans come out of the woodwork?
Don't underestimate the power of Bauer. This ISN'T Blogs4Stenger :-)
Suck it slut!
I don't understand how Teri Bauer made so much noise. God damn that woman is nasty.
I'd rather be a slut than dead.
SHENANIGANS! I claim SHENANIGANS! I still cannot vote!
Avenge me, boys! AVVVEEENNNNGGGGGE me!
I strongly suspect that Nina's behind those shenanigans. She wants fresh meat.
Anyone but Terri. Even mother of Behrooz is more appealing than that sorry excuse for a Bauer wife.
How she gave birth to Kim (though we can tell it was her doing that Kim can't function in a relationship or life in general).
rigged, i say.
What a crime.
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