We have narrowed the field down from 15 ladies and Audrey down to only 8. The winners of this round will face off in The Final Four.
Here are the lucky 8:
Kim Bauer
Nadia Yassir
Martha Logan
Nina Myers
Teri Bauer
Marilyn Bauer
Chloe O'Brian
For round 2 we will have a Q&A Session with each of the ladies and then let you vote on who should stay and who should go.
The first match-up is between hotties Kim Bauer and Mandy. Let's take a look back at how each of these ladies got to Round 2.
In Round 1, Kim had a little trouble with the haters and Diane Huxley. Huxley almost pulled an upset, but Kim pulled it out (51%-49%). Here is what some people said about Kim:
Timmay - Dating a New York Ranger (Sean Avery), gotta support my team
Yeah Him - she was really hot in the first season
bob - She's not only the most annoying character in the history of television, she also doesn't know anything about hockey -- AND she's illiterate.
Mandy dispatched of Sherry Palmer easily (81%-19%) and here is what a few people had to say about Mandy:
Wyatt - Mandy = Giggity!
lou - No contest
anonymous - If this is even close, there is something very wrong with the readers of this blog.

Now let's get to the T&A session. Whoa, I mean Q&A.
Shatner: Kim, if you had to pick a role model who would that be and why?
Kim Bauer: My Dad, because he is Jack Bauer.
Mandy:...and I should have killed him when I had a chance.
Shatner: Whoa ladies! Mandy, this question is for you. What is the strangest place you have, you know, done "it".
Mandy: That would probably be in the bathroom of flight 221, we were...
Shatner: Ohhh yeah! Tell me more!
Mandy: Well after we were done I killed a stewardess and blew up the airplane.
Shatner: Yikes. Too much information.
Shatner: Kim, you are stuck in a room with a pair of pliers, a rabid mountain lion, and a stick of gum. What do you do?
Kim: Call my dad, Jack Bauer.
Mandy: I should cut you right now.
Shatner: Ladies, ladies. Lets just skip the talent portion and go straight to the voting.
There's just something about bad girls...
Sticker on my cyber bumper:
"Anyone but Kim"
She's a dim bulb with even more of a phallic proboscus than that other one.
(Yes, I am bitter.)
I thought more about this vote than I did the last time I voted in a real election.
I want to thank all the pocket-protected, broken-glassed, plaid-pant wearing nose-pickers who rallied to Chloe.
By eliminating Michelle Dessler, whom the Pullitzer Prize committee recently honored as the Thinking Man's Wet Dream, the Louis Skolnick Brigade has ensured The Evil Nina eventually will do to Boobs Bauer exactly what she did to her boney mother -- both on the show and (soon) in Miss B4B -- drill 15 9mm holes in her.
I'm Victor Drazen and I paid for this ad.
Kim: annoying, a terrible babysitter, a worse date, and quite possibly the dumbest character in the history of television.
Mandy: bi-sexual, an assasin, got almost naked twice on a network TV show, and made out with another chick.
Seriously, is there any doubt who should win?
Mandy: member of the mile-high club.
Mandy: bi-sexual, an assasin, got almost naked twice on a network TV show, and made out with another chick.
Todd, I like the way you think. Please send me your resume.
Hey, that anonymous was me! Yahoo!
I'm voting Kim. Haven't you guys seen Girl Next Door? Kim does porn! Although, Todd is pretty damn convincing. Hmm...
Oh, and bob was spot on about Michelle. Sorry I let you down, steveegg.
Mandy still = GIGGITY!!!
All tied at 214 votes. Bringing Mandy back to even...
Kim was hot during the first season (as I said before) and in the Girl Next Door, but since then, she has become the poster girl for neurotic chicks everywhere. Do we really want to sanction gals who get mixed up with their kidnappers and mountain lions? If so, then make Patty Hearst your idol - she did it first and she did it best.
Long live the Symbanese Liberation Army.
bob... just shoot me your email, and I'll send that resume right over. You can find me on forums4bauer under the name Chandler
I think most would agree that these are the top 2 seeds remaining, in terms of sex appeal. Shame.
Mandy: bi-sexual, an assasin, got almost naked twice on a network TV show, and made out with another chick.
and then kills you
Kim: annoying, a terrible babysitter, a worse date, and quite possibly the dumbest character in the history of television.
then you lock her up in your bomb shelter (with adjacent hydroponics unit) and PARTY!!!
Take dumb but hot over smart and deadly.
DAMMIT! Who dropped the damn ball? When I went dark, Michelle was up 51-49. Now I have to launch an insurgent campaign, and methinks Bob has the right idea.
I agree with yankz... whoever did the seeding on this thing needs their head examined. You don't put Florida against Ohio State in the second round... you wait for the finals.
Next year, we need to re-seed after round one. Just a suggestion.
I'm happy Chloe made it!
Chloe's the greatest!!
And I do NOT wear plaid, have broken glasses nor pick my nose.
Chloe's the greatest!!!
i am just going on looks and kim is way hotter than whats her face...
Just think of what Jack will do to you if you vote for a terrorist over his his daughter.
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