Viewer discretion is advised. (Insert my uncontrollable giggling here.)
10:00pm - The bird is in the air! Where is Slim Pickens when we need him? He is certainly not with Karen "I Spill Every National Security Secret In America With My Husband" Hayes.
Oh, the Middle Eastern ambassador was lying. Go figure. I guess he's boning up on his Ahmadinejad impersonation. Abort, Abort, Abort!!! . . . Puss-aah. Strike that. He was bluffing, so he's not a puss-aah. He's just a liberal pinko.
10:08pm - Who's this blonde haired guy? Oh, that's Jack Bauer. I remember Jack. Is a kitchen really the best place for an interrogation? They used one in Prison Break a few weeks ago!
Oh, and I don't approve of Silver Spoons taking over Jack's interrogation. Ricky has got to go! And I have a crisp $1 bill that the transport is attacked. Place yer bets!
10:11pm - Commercial break! Spidey 3 trailer! This night keeps getting better and better. What's next? Rosie O'Donnell eats herself to death?
10:15pm - Couldn't they think of a better name for this general than "Habib?" That was Al Bundy's name when he was forced to work at the gas station! Oooh, a tender moment between Lennox and Zombie Palmer. Someone fetch me my cryin' blankie!
10:17pm - We've got a truckin' convoy! CONVOY!
CRASH! And the quarterback is toast! Firefight! Check your Kill Counters!!! Bauer is down! Bauer is down! Auntie Em! Auntie Em!
Um, what the hell was that? We have more bluffs than the Grand Canyon!
10:22pm - Commercial Break! Is anyone still reading my nonsense? Just checking.
10:27pm - Fayed wants to speak to General Habib. And he won't do anything until he does. He's the radical Islamic Cindy Sheehan! Zombie President Down!!! Get some fresh brains in here, stat!!!
Karen Hayes is laying down the tough talk smack? The next thing you know, she'll tear up her ACLU card! And if Zombie Palmer keeps calling the ambassador a barbarian, MSNBC will suspend him for two weeks. Step lively, David! Reverend Al is watching you.
10:32pm - Ugh, another Milo/Nadia repartee. Someone torture me, please! Hey Milo, why the long face? HA! And, I'm sorry, but did Nadia just translate "General" into "General???"
10:36pm - Fayed bought it, and now we're back with Night of the Living Dead Presidents. He is ushering out the ambassador before he eats his brain!
10:38pm - Commercial break! Tinkle if you must! This just in: J-Lo(talent) will be appearing on American Idol. It's official: her career is in zombie status!
10:41pm - We're back! General Tso, er, Habib may have sent Fayed a signal. Someone murder his children, post haste! We lost the target vehicle = the CTU decoy team is worm food.
Or not. Couldn't Jack get inside the rear of the trash truck? And isn't it convenient that Fayed can drive stick?
10:47pm - Commercial break! This diet iced tea is wreaking havoc with the old bladder. Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that I typed that. Oh frak, did the comments go down? I can't get in. (Sounds of rejoicing fill the country.)
10:51pm - Doctor, you're wasting time! He needs more brains! (Have we run that reference into the ground enough yet?) Since comments may still be down, pass the snarky comments amongst yourselves.
10:53pm - Taking out downtown Los Angeles? Keen! Oh, and we better update that Kill Counter: Jack's out of the truck. And the Counter is rising! Maybe Jack should have taken out the AK-47 first? And what's with throwing the gun? Rookie mistake. Kick his ass, Jack!!!
Jack Bauer: Back on the Chain Gang.
10:58pm - Oh well, I guess the season is over. What? Audrey's back??? Damnit! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
10:59pm - Looks like everyone will be Kung Fu fighting! Solid episode, kids! Lotsa Jack, and next week he pulls a gun on Silver Spoons. Joygasm! Well, I'm out. Thanks for your patience (with my blogging and the damned comment fiasco). Enjoy They Might Be Giants!
Michelle Dessler - so hot - want to touch the butt!!
I'm first!!
Please - let the sharks just go away tonight.
Can Zombie Wayne all just be a bad dream?
Yeah Him - The line for Dessler butt-touching forms here, big guy!
My $0.02. I bet that Zombie Palmer recalls the nuke.
Thank you for your support, Wyatt.
Authorized and paid for by Michelle4MissB4B Campaign, steveegg, treasurer.
Who brought the CHUM?
longest preview ever.
What's the deal with the sharks? They're circling and the chum is in the water...
I've got catching up to do.. and the rockets' red glare is about to go supernova!
I thought Chapelle WAS the chum.
We start off trolling in the bunker.
I'm going to get those missile doors open if it hare-lips everybody in Bear Creek!
By the by, have they gotten any more specific than Mideastnationalia?
I'd take Dessler over RPF, though give RPF a heavy machine gun, and all bets are off.
Temper, Chapelle. You're still on death watch, and that blood pressure is going be the end of you.
No mushroom clouds...yet. There's still time for the Two-One Zebra.
Two minutes to impact... and they've got a fragile political situation in Mideastistan? It's gonna get a whole lot easier.
Lying MidEast nation? Go figure.
So, are we going with the Frau Bluchler or the Gloria Allred tonight?
Chloe's trying to mess with my feed, dammit!
It's still just Durkadurkastan. Dunno if it's one of the 3 targeted a couple years back.
Ricky Stratton playing good cop?
Burke is back!
I've got 2-1 on Stratton donating the golden BB to Jack.
"Now we're going to have some fun"
Classic Jack.
We're going to break him with a pharmaceutical package? Geez, what are they gonna do? Have him sit in front of the TV and watching ads for erectile dysfunction, incontinence ads, and irritable bowel syndrome?
might I suggest something harsher?
Looks like the sharks may be gone for the time being.
No bet (unless one of you suckers wants to take the convoy making it back to CTU unscathed). I'll even give you 5-3 odds on it.
I've got 2-1 on Stratton donating the golden BB to Jack.
I've got 3-1 that the previews were wrong and Jack is not dead
Also there is a 50/50 chance that it will be Fox5NY's Useless 24 story of the night.
Lawhawk - You ever see those fossils sitting in the hot tub? That would break me.
Steveegg - 5-3? That's good odds.
might I suggest something harsher?
ads for House?
Dunno if there's enough food in the world for Rosie to eat herself to death, but damned if she isn't trying.
As for where the Michelle line begins, it looks like we're gonna have to rock paper scissors for it!!!
The Man - Well played. House is brutal!
Need a Nickname for Habeeb
Where's that "Place Bets Now!" graphic?
No shit you're not David, Chapelle.
As for where the Michelle line begins, it looks like we're gonna have to rock paper scissors for it!!!
I've got 2 rocks!
We've got to get a man down... man down!
Two men down... and this isn't looking good at all.
Jack's up, so is everybody else.
2 Points....nope
Zombie Jack rises again!
those tricksters!!
Heh... it was a scam to make Fayed think it was a recovery team. No kills damnit!
Dammit, I should've seen that one coming.
Stratton ain't got time to bleed.
"Ricky you're bleeding... and your brains smell delicious."
That was cool.
Ok... WTF?
Is there any rhyme or reason to this stuff other than to kill 8 hours of video?
No, nobody's reading your nonsense, Wyatt. We're all just hitting refresh on the comments page :-)
Seriously, nice Die Hard reference.
So far, it's better than last week's episode. Not that that's saying much . . . An episode of The Golden Girls was better than last week's ep.
Rhyme? Reason? What's that?
I'm sure everything will be settled next week when I'm in Jamaica.
Steveegg - Nice of you to pick it up. Thanks!
"It's Christmas, Theo. It's the time for miracles."
Say, has anybody seen RPT yet? It seems she's trying to take over the poll.
Michelle Dessler (63%)
Chloe O'Brian (37%)
Miss B4B Update
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
don't touch the hotties
How did I know that the sexy pic of Michelle meant that Wyatt was liveblogging?????
Yes, I'm reading your stuff.
And Chloe is hotter!!!
I wonder if while they were "practicing" for the fake terrorist thing if they used fake Christian terrorists?
Because we paid for that placement, LMC.
Al Bundy giving spat advice?
LMC - You know me too well.
Those poor bastards only have blanks...
Why don't Milo and Nadia just turn CTU HQ into a love shack while they're at it?
This is going suspiciously well.
Awww, Milo's not gonna get any, is he?
SVC - you owe me an iPod so I can get that POS song out of my head.
I give Chapelle about 25 minutes left to live.
I dunno. I've tried for weeks,but this whole Ricky Schroeder thing still doesn't work for me. What's next, Florence Henderson as next head of CTU?
I meant seconds, dammit!
I think Palmer's in need of a pharmaceutical pack himself...
24, 24, 24, are we gonna watch or snore some more?
Does anyone else think 24 could get some better villains? Or hell, new writers?
Here's some folks to put on 24.....
David Suchet
Steven Berkoff
Oded Fehr
Rick Yune
to name a few.....
"Love Shack, Baby!"
One word to describe "Next" - NEXT!
He came back to us!! He came back to us!! Oh yeah, that's Missing in Action, but still, Zombie Wayne came back and even if he bows out, he will be a solid Palmer - unlike that trashy sister of his.
Work the O'Reilly / Rivera immigration debate into one of these episodes....
Solid Palmer. Is that similar to Solid Snake?
Boy, I miss Metal Gear!
Not all of us have bladers of steel, but it does help in watching this.
steveegg - I apologize.
Chloe taught me how to be funny!
The general was in a flank 2 position
CTU, we have a problem. We have a probable duress code analyzed by Aywana.
Do you trust Ricky Stratton behind the wheel?
To be honest I think this is my least favorite season unless things start getting better. Have I mentioned that I miss David Palmer? It is the understatement of the year for Wayne to say he isn't David. No sh*t sherlock!!!
Sameer is on the loose.
You haven't mentioned that lately, LMC, but I feel much the same way about the forthcoming winner of the MissB4B Contest.
Hey, 24. Prison Break just called. They want their, 'the prisoner escaped in a traffic tunnel' thing back.
Well, at least Carlton Banks wasn't behind the wheel.
Who does Jack think he is? Jack Traven? Except with a garbage truck and not a bus?
I was enjoying 24 and then all of a sudden it became Cape Fear, only Robert Deniro was saying "dammit"
Jack Bauer with his upper body (2 points)
Jack Bauer with a gun (1 point)
Jack Bauer with a gun (1 point)
Jack Bauer with a gun (1 point)
Jack Bauer with a gun (1 point)
Jack Bauer with his upper body (2 points)
Jack Bauer says something cool before killing them (+1 point)
Jack Bauer Combo Kills:
4 kills-in-1 (+12 points)
Total Points: 21 Points!
Thanks for spinning the kill counter and finally freeing up the comments. I got the "1" and the "2" transposed; DAMMIT!
Blogger sometimes turns off comments...I think we have a mole.
Figures. I'll wager it's Chloe; she's done a LOT of hacking into B4B lately.
Seriously, with this now happening to Jack Sack and Wyatt Earp, it's probably time to start considering Haloscan.
i think this was one of the best episodes of the season
I can't believe you guys fell for the "Blogs4Doyle" thing.
I absolutely loved this episode. "Say hello to your brother." DAMMIT that was sweet.
Best episode of the season - and vampire Jack was back!! Awful brave of 24 to finally get their heads out of their ass and end the weak Fayed and Gradenko plot so we can go back to China and kick that adbuctor dude's ass up and down the Great Wall!!
My only complaint was not killing the general's family. They had an excuse to atone for the season 2 stuff, and they chose not to do it.
7 episodes of extreme viciousness, but unless they go through a teleporter, it will take at least that long to fly to China.
Yeah, the Chinese agent is going to seriously pay for putting Jack in captivity.
PS are you sure that's all the kills from the episode? Can we get a video feed so we can recount them for scoring purposes!!
Cape Fear, only Robert Deniro was saying "dammit"
Let's make that Robert Mitchum, please. Dammit.
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