In his recent TiVoblogging, V the K accuses the First Lady's assistant of killing President Palmer to expatriate a large sum of money from Nigeria. Well, V was on to something even if he didn't know it—he just had the wrong culprit.

Mr. Rakotozafy didn't know what he was getting into when he got Jack Bauer on the case.
To read the initial exchange between Mr. Rakotozafy and Jack Bauer, click on the image at the left.
Needless to say, Jack was a little suspicious at first. After all, who gave Mr. Rakotozafy his email address? Was Dr. Rakotozafy (Mr. Rakotozafy's father) killed by terrorists? Also needless to say, Jack was quick to guarantee his assistance. After all, as he said,
If I can handle two attempted assasinations, a viral threat, a nuclear threat, and the threat of a nerve gas attack on the United States, then I can certainly keep your money safe while it is recovered.

We don't know that Mr. Rakotozafy will respond again, but if he does, we'll keep you posted. In the meantime, we welcome your suggestions for other things that Jack Bauer might say in this circumstance, and of course suggestions as to how we can get this guy to exert the most possible effort (and maybe even spend a little cash) to get Jack's help.
As Jack keeps reminding Mr. Rakotozafy, the clock is ticking...
UPDATE: Jack Needs Your Help!!
Mr. Rakotozafy is insisting that Jack give him a phone number. Jack needs you to help him think of a good reason why he can't give out a phone number that sounds just plausible enough to string this guy along. Any ideas?
The only reason this guy's still alive is that Jack doesn't feel like burying him.
I will email Fox and see if we can work revenging the death of a friend in Togo into the plot for Season 6.
Hmm . . .maybe something like that due to his job (Counterterrorist), his phone line is subject to monitoring at all times (never know when a terrorist will show up and a call will need recording/tracing/other analysis), and so the line is "not secure". . .
that was my first thought . . .
Ask his phone number and make a collect-call from a secure line! If he's really overseas, that will cost him quite a lot of money...
Does the real Homeland Security have an 1-800 number?
Maybe we should just give him the number for the Fox Television Studios..
I always get those stupid emails...I just ignore them but people have told me to reply because its funny...classic tho jack bauer emailing him...hehe :P
hahaha, that's hilarious. give him your cell number, and put on your best Jack accent.
Give him a phone number to a local detective and then ask if you can sit in on the call. That should make for great entertainment.
I have a neighbor I don't like. Do you want that number?
This is hilarious.
This would probably end the scambaiting.....
Give him the phone number of a co-worker who sits near you. Then try not to laugh when they get a phone call asking for Jack Bauer from some guy in Togo.
tell him you have no phone, that you use a cable modem so you don't need one, and your only phone is a work phone....I alsways tell them that I must call them because we can't accept calls, but soon I may get a job in administration and be able to call....but only if our cell block doesn't go into lockdown for a month.
Tell him that you are certain your phone line is not secure. Because of the current practice of wiretapping in this country, you don't feel safe using it. Does he trust his father's money to an unsafe line?
Yeah, last comment is right. Try this one...
Setup a Skye account, it's free, untracable, and he can call you till the cows come home. OR leave you loads of nice voicemails. ;)
Yes get a skypein number.
I am playing with someone posing as this Luis Rakotozafy.
They called me from Holland twice, once posing as the security company and another as Luis himself.
I kept the conversation going for as long as I could :)
Have fun! Just don't send them any money, or give any real ID or address.
you could give him a 555 number, and tell him that the reason you have been albe to give it to him now is because it is a scrambler phone. tell him to talk to no-one about this, as this may well turn out to be a matter of National security 9and thank him for getting in touch with you, as you have contacts with the counter terrorism unit in los Angeles.
and since this guy is from holland (a country which has 24 on their screens), my guess is he's never watched 24 (or he will have already recognised the joke) and so he will probably believe that CTU is an actual organisation in the USA.
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