The 24 Maharishi's quest is to answer your 24 questions. Want to know how Chloe knows all those phone numbers? Just ask the 24 Maharishi.
Q: Maharishi, how will Jack stop the submarine?
A: Ahh Jack will save the day again. How he saves the day remains to be seen by the prophets and screenwriters. My crystal ball tells me that another plot will be recycled, yes but not from a few hours ago...no this comes from Season 2. Does the name George Mason ring a bell?
Q: Are you suggesting that Jack Bauer will "pull a Mason" with the Russian Sub Natalia?
A: My crystal ball says so. But, while Mason died in his kamikaze flight over the Mojave Desert, Jack may still survive.
Q: So you suggest that Jack will pilot the Russian Sub Natalia to the Mohave Desert?
A: Subs don't fly, unless Kristie Alley gets loose from the fat farm.
There you have it. Jack Bauer will board The Natalia, he will pilot the sub to the ocean, and he will then scuttle the ship. His escape is still in doubt, but knowing Jack Bauer - he will probably use the scuba gear in his man-purse to escape the sinking sub.
Got a question for the 24 Maharishi? Post them in the comments and he will answer them.
He will definitely survive pulling a "Mason" since the ad for next week shows Jack's showdown with the Prez. Question is - will the sub survive?
Anonymous said...
He will definitely survive pulling a "Mason" since the ad for next week shows Jack's showdown with the Prez. Question is - will the sub survive?
The 24 Maharishi Says...
The outlook is grim for whatever vehicle Jack Bauer enters. Odds are the sub will end up in "Davy Jones Locker".
Mr. Random said...
whos funeral are they attending in the previews for next weeks episode?
The 24 Maharishi Says...
Tony Almeida's funeral. He then digs his way out of the grave and put's Logan in an inverted atomic drop.
What will happen when the Chinese government finds out that Jack is still alive?
CCarter said...
What will happen when the Chinese government finds out that Jack is still alive?
The 24 Maharishi Says...
A certain Secret Service agent will be lured into thinking he has shot Jack Bauer to death, again.
I think he has a bigger problem in which chick to choose: Audrey or Derek's mom.
Why does he have to choose? He can take both, and all three of them (JB, Derek's Mom, and Penis-Nose) can move onto the cast of Big Love.
RFTR said...
Why does he have to choose? He can take both, and all three of them (JB, Derek's Mom, and Penis-Nose) can move onto the cast of Big Love.
The 24 Maharishi Says...
24 takes place in LA...not Utah. He has to choose because Audrey's is not big enough for the three of them.
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