Are the producers of 24 trying to turn us into whisper-hearing Lost freaks?
From today's NY post:
Update: I have zoomed in on the picture and decoded the messageOn a scrap of paper - seen so briefly on TV it could only be read by eagle-eyed viewers who had posted the screen on the Internet - a seemingly random group of letters spells out "Jack is dead."

The Llama Butchers have their own "Jack Is Dead" theories.
Got a post about 24?
You still have time to submit it for The Carnival of Bauer!!!
I had laser eye surgery recently and I still can't make out those letters.
Anyone have a clearer screenshot or a pair of bionic eyes I can borrow?
Back off on Lost, pal...I don't wanna have to get all Chinese on your ass...
VtK -
Excellent obscure Family Guy reference on your profile page.
Better pics of the message
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