Age: thirty-something
Nationality: American
Occupation: Dead
Death Count: Himself
Strengths: Really, really good looking.
Weaknesses: Things that blow up, terrorists who hostagify his wife, oh... and guys who pretend to be dead so they can inject him with drugs. (Hmm, maybe he should have fought Charlie).
Curious Detail: Is now reunited with the woman he enjoyed carnal relations with, his wife
Boon: 'Lost'
Age: twenty-something
Nationality: American
Occupation: Dead
Death Count: Himself
Strengths: Can survive one plane crash, but not two.
Weaknesses: Whiny little bitch.
Curious Detail: Is now reunited with the woman he enjoyed carnal relations with, his sister
I know what you're thinking. No contest. Even suffering from bomb-related injuries, Tony could kick Boon's lily ass from one end of the island to the t'other. However, you fail to consider "Island Magic." The Island enabled Locke to walk again, got Sun pregnant, and brought Jack's father back from the dead in hallucinatory form. Who says that the island couldn't likewise enhance Boon's fighting strength? And was Tony really that tough? A real man would have let the terrorists cut his wife's eyeballs out.
My $.02... Tony would still kick Boon's lily ass, and both would spend a lot time screaming "Not the face! Not the face!" but it would not be as easy as it may look.
The only thing that could save Boon would be Locke knifing Tony in the back while they fought...
Sun did not get pregnant from no hippy "Island Magic"... she got pregnant from sleeping with the English teacher/therapist/counselor guy.
Tony knew Krav Manga. Boone, sir, is no Krav Manga.
Krav Manga being a kick-arse fighting techniqe. That, and Tony's profile says he was once a marine.
It's not even close, people. No, Tony was no Jack, but Boone's not even Pat Boone much less a match for Tony.
Still can't believe they offed him.
Boone would be toast within 3 minutes under most circumstances, though Boone might have a fighting chance if there's a syringe filled with nasty goo and Boone plays dead only long enough to surprise Tony and show Tony just how far down the rabbit hole it really goes.
Tony'd kick Boone's ass if you habbled him and tied both arms behind his back.
But that pic of him... he's looking a little fruity there...
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