The Carnival of Bauer!!! Week 5
I spent weeks trying to find an image of the Kim Bauer-Cougar matchup from Season 2. I finally found it and present you with: The Carnival of The Cougar*.
Let's start off this week with some housecleaning. Kim Bauer does not like tardiness. Doug at Below the Beltway submitted his entry late for last week's Carnival of Bauer!!!. So Kim sent her cougar over to Doug's house. His post: Can Jack Bauer Trust Anyone? was his last post, ever. Let that be a lesson to all of you all.
Barry over at Inn of the Last Home will be hosting an upcoming Carnival. In the meantime, he spends his days noting What Love Is and the Top 10 Things That Have Really Gotten Old on 24. Look Barry, Jack Bauer does not like moles either; but with all the illegals flooding into in LA good workers (without terrorist backgrounds) are hard to come by.
Karen of Scottsdale is questioning Chloe's computer skills. (ppssstt Karen, in case you didn't see last season and the first episode of this season - Chloe is good with computers and a good shot. So watch your back!)
To stay on the topic of criticizing all things Jack Bauer, "Life with Al" is going to be a little easier after Jack and his Torture-matic Ax350 are done with him. Al lists some of his 24 Annoyances including an inside look at Jack's Glock. Terrorists have seen Jack's Glock, but none lived to tell about it.
Pantry Girl doesn't criticize Jack Bauer in her post; I'm Getting Too Old for This S#%@. She does have a problem with Fox5NY anchor Ernie Anastos' hair. How about that Fox5NY leads their 10pm Monday newscast with a tease for a lame 24-related story that is held until the end?
Jeff has a recap of the 8-9pm and 9-10pm episodes. Blogs4Bauer may have the Jack Bauer Kill Counter, but Peace Like a River is home to the "Number of Times Jack Says 'Now!' Counter" (17).
King Tom notes that "24 is Back" and asks the timely question: Is setting off a bomb in a natural gas plant a good idea? Boom.
Today's commentary is brought to you by none other than Today's Commentary. They submitted a post that manages to weave Jack Bauer, The NY Times, and Oprah all in one entry. Bravo.
Kim Bauer learned not to provoke a cougar; she should also avoid Provoking a Muse. The site has a nice recap of the last episode with the 'quote of the night' from Jack Bauer: "He's using you. He wanted you to get inside my head. And it worked. Now I'm...upset". I guess gassing 56 co-workers was not enough to get Jack upset.
FIAR at Radioactive Liberty must have just started watching 24 this season. He posts Enough With the Melodrama, which critiques all the drama during this season. Trust me, last season was much...much worse.
Lawhawk has a memo from Jack Bauer to Jack Bristow. The agent from the upcoming movie, The Sentinel was not copied on the memo.
LinkX135 takes on Edgar's replacement, calling her a mental case. Give the girl a break, imagine how hard it was to readjust Edgar's chair settings to seat her comfortably. Plus, there were probably chunks of Edgar's puke still on the armrests.
Justin is channeling a dead Jack Bauer. Weird...because Jack's not dead. Tony is.
*No cougars were harmed in the publishing of this post.
That's it for Week 5 of The Carnival of Bauer!!! . Thanks for stopping by, if you're here for the first time, check out the sidebars. In particularly, on the left side you can find "Jack's Favorite Posts," a collection of some of our most popular posts. Enjoy, and come back often!
Send Jack Bauer an email if you are interested in hosting The Carnival of Bauer!!! on your site.
Upcoming Hosts
Inn of the Last Home
The Templar Times
Justin's Random Thoughts
Previous Carnivals
Announcing the Carnival of Bauer!!!
The Carnival of Bauer!!! - Week 1
The Carnival of Edgar- Week 2
The Carnival of Tony - Week 3
The Carnival of Life - Week 4Make sure to get your entries into next week's Carnival of Bauer!!! by midnight on Wednesday! Remember,Kim Bauer is still locked up in Wyatt's basement. If you don't send us a 24-related post we will send Kim and her cougar back on the set of 24!
Great carnival once again, but reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.
Yes, the cougar did come over but, fortunately, Aaron Pierce arrived first and blew it away. We didn't talk much as Aaron was out looking for Wayne Palmer.
Doug - You should embrace death. Because you do not want Jack to come there and make you embrace it.
hmm, good stuff except. . . if you could please fix the link to The Templar Times. Not to be a Complainy Coyote, but I thought it should be rought to your attention.
Coyote - sorry about that, it has been fixed.
Maybe it's just me, but:
In the still shot you posted above with Kim and the looks to me like the cougar is nervous, never mind Kim. Look at the cat's face. Doesn't that look sort of like an "Oh no, there goes the neighborhood" look?
--LC Wes, Imperial Mohel
that is because the cougar knows that Bauers travel in pairs. While using the weaker Bauer as a decoy, Jack could be sneaking up from behind.
The cougar knows that he's already dead.
I'm a little confused about where CoB will be this week.
The Blog Carnival page:
says it'll be here, but this post suggests that it'll be moving to one of three sites.
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