10. When purchasing a watch, you go for the $450 Jack Bauer model
9. You start a blog dedicated to Jack Bauer
8. Accidentally called your wife "Kim" in bed last night
7. The disclaimer from last season was aimed at you
6. You have a picture of Nina Myers on your dart board
5. Your cell phone ringtone is also CTU's ringtone
4. On May 9th - you fast, do not go to the bathroom, yell into your cell phone, and look for a hacksaw
3. After buying a Treo 650, you bought a flip-phone in case you have to give yourself up to terrorists
2. You cried the day that Palmer died
1. You admit (publicly) that 24 is better than sex....and if you ever find a woman who digs that, you are going to knock her up and name the kid "Jack Bauer Bielaska"

Got others? Post them in the comments.
How bad is it if you've married a woman named Kim?
I'm guilty of... only numbers 9 and 5.
Am I too into 24?
I got the ringtone on my thumbdrive (along with all the floorplans of every building in L.A.) but haven't figured out how to move it on to my E815. Where's Edgar when you need him?
Does it count if I called my wife Audrey? Not that I actually ever did that. She has a tough uppercut.
Those are good but only #2 applies to me. And amazingly I didn't even actually cry but I felt like it.
1. You admit (publicly) that 24 is better than sex....and if you ever find a woman who digs that, you are going to knock her up and name the kid "Jack Bauer Bielaska"
God, that sounds like a bad Polish joke.
...I assume that's a joke, anyway; you know that if you actually did name your kid after a character in a TV show, the kid would probably kick your ass once he was fully grown...
--LC Wes, Imperial Mohel
I would love a 24 ring tone, but alas there isn't one for my cell phone :(
I downloaded the 24 game for my cellphone. I also have a CTU mousepad.
I've got the ringtone for my cell and homephone. this season the first time a phone rang on the show I got up to answer it.
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