Age: late thirties
Nationality: American
Occupation: CTU Agent
Current Season Death Count: 4 (weapons: gun)
Strengths: Physical strength, experience in the art of torture, smoldering intelligence
Weaknesses: Shoot, I don't know
Curious Detail: Helps Jack (Bauer) torture people, thwarts terror attacks in America
Sayid Jarrah: 'Lost'
Age: late thirties
Nationality: Iraqi
Occupation: former Republican Guard
Current Season Death Count: 0.5 (partial credit for letting Shannon take a bullet)
Strengths: Physical strength, experience in the art of torture, smoldering intelligence
Weaknesses: Gets sulky after torturing people
Curious Detail: Helped Jack (Shephard) torture Sawyer, thwarted terror attack in Australia
Curtis was shot in the chest but was able to torture Hannibal Connery a few minutes later.
Cola wins.
Who would you want watching your back?
Curtis. No question about it.
Sayid may have killed many more folks as an Iraqi Republican Guard interrogator (and sent quite a few folks to their doom).
BTW, according to Lost backstory on Wiki, he killed his commanding officer when he sought to break his lover out of prison. While infiltrating a terror cell, he caused someone to commit suicide when they were deceived by Sayid.
Curtis wins because of his current body count and the fact that we apparently know where his loyalties lie - Sayid is too much of a rogue figure with shifting loyalties.
I'm pretty sure that they'd take one look at each other, Curtis would call Jack (Bauer), Sayid would Locke, and the four of them would go kick the crap out of "The Others."
Now THAT would be fun to watch.
Curtis Wins. NEXT CASE!
Curtis, duh...
After just re-watching him in season 4 I pick Curtis hands down.
Sayid wins. He's still heartbroken from losing Shannon and is looking for blood.
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