The previews for this week allude that Jack smacks Audrey around for being a mole. They also show, what could be, the final moments of either Wayne Palmer and/or Red Foreman. Which is cool with me, because Red and Shaft are not in my 24: Final Four.
What is the 24: Final Four? They are characters who will make it to the end of Season 5. My list includes George Mason, Token, President Subaru, and Martha Logan. Who do you think will make it till the end?
Vote in the poll and then submit your guesses for the 24: Final Four and the body count for tonight's episode.Blogs4Bauer Challenge
1) 24: Final Four
2) Guess the Body Count
Click Here for the Jack Bauer Kill Counter.
Blogs4Bauer Challenge Results
Episodes 1,2 - 9 Bodies
The Conservative UAW Guy (Guess - 4)
Episodes 3,4 - 14 Bodies
RFTR - 14
Episode 5 - 2 Bodies
AL - 2
Episode 6 - 1 Body
AL - 1
Episode 7 - 5 Bodies
Mr. Bob - 5
Episode 8 - 14 Bodies
Deathlok - 13
Episode 9 - 7 Bodies
RFTR - 7
Episode 10 - 8 Bodies
The Man - 8
Episodes 11, 12 - 14 Bodies
JWookie - 13
fmragtops - 15
Episode 13 - 3 Bodies (including Tony)
Justin - 3
Episode 14 - 0 Bodies
Citizen Grim - 3
4)President Logan (damn)
As for tonight, since there were zero kills last week - we are in for double digits this week. 10 kills tonight. Red goes down.
five bodies
uh... By Logan, I meant Mr.
I'm gonna lowball it this week and say 2.
18 bodies.
Four this week.
Three bodies tonight.
Although it would mean the end of 24, I'm not so sure that Jack will make it out of this season alive...
Tony's pulling 3%. Not bad for a dead guy. Wonder how Michelle feels about his possible ressurection?
Gonna go with 3 fatalities, that way the count will be higher. Every time I choose a higher count, it comes up lower.
Hey, when you click on Frau Blucher, there's no horses whinying. Damn!
Which muppet click George Mason and Tony? Ireckon Jacks gonna be left on his own everyone else will be dead.
The rest, dear Audrey included could be dead meat.
Pierce may live. Course, we said that about Tony, Michelle, truffle Shuffle, and others in the CTU Happy Hunting grounds.
I'm gonna say 5 for tonight
It was too quiet last week. 11 this week.
I'm the same as Walters for the final four:
Although I think more than those 4 will make it to the end IMHO.
8 bodies for tonight!!
7 kills tonight.
Personal Final Four:
Red Foreman
Jack Bauer
But from this list?
And here's a prediction: Buchanan is the real mole. He set S4GF up with the intel that she was the mole.
I'm going to go with 9 bodies. They've got to up the average.
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